February 19, 2025

Faith @ Home - The heart of habits

FCC families, ministry leaders, and friends,

Most of my Wednesday notes over the past two months have encouraged faith practice habits. Recent books I have been reading, including Habits of the Household (Earley, 2021), Building Spiritual Habits in the Home (Pappalardo & Green, 2025) and Little Habits, Big Faith (Thomas, 2024), all encourage little everyday practices. But do habits or disciplines make us legalistic in our faith? Justin Earley refutes this idea in the introduction to his book. He reminds us that "our habits won't change God's love for us, but God's love for us can and should change our habits" (page 28). Habits can help move us from times of chaos to moments of experiencing God's unconditional love and grace. Our hearts follow our habits. Our routines become who we are. May our routines help us become more like Jesus. 

Upcoming Events

GEMS Sunday--GEMS families are invited to join us for the worship service this Sunday, February 23. Please welcome any visiting families! Our GEMS will be participating in the service and Pastor Nate will be preaching to our GEMS with a message based on this year's Transformed theme. GEMS are asked to remain in the service rather than attend children's ministries this Sunday.

GEMS Sunday Potato Dinner--Please plan to stay after the worship service this Sunday for an easy lunch and intergenerational fellowship with our church family. Stuff a potato with chili, cheese, broccoli, and more. Enjoy salad, chips, and a smorgasbord of desserts. Your donations will support our GEMS ministry!

Prayer Calendars--I have just two remaining copies of a 2025 Family Prayer Calendar. These super cute calendars have 365 prayer prompts as well as Bible reading prompts, a pull-out wall poster and some woodland animal stickers. If you would like to have and use one, let me know!

Kids' Choir--Carley Hwang will be leading a Kids' Choir for Lent and Easter. Pre-kindergarten through fifth grade students are encouraged to participate! Rehearsals will be on Sundays, March 9, 16, 23, and 30 from 9:45-10:15. The choir will sing in the service on March 30 and in the Easter service on April 20.

March VBS Decorating Workshops--People of all ages and abilities are invited to help us prepare items for this summer's True North Alaskan adventure. You are welcome to come and go as you are available during workshop times. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Robin Spicer at 616-540-6665 or robindvc@charter.net

*Wednesday, March 5 from 11-2

*Thursday, March 13 from 11-2

*Wednesday, March 19 from 11-1

True North VBS--June 16-19 from 9:00-11:30am. Kids four-years old through students entering fifth grade are invited to participate. Volunteers of all ages are needed. Mark your calendars now and plan to make True North part of your summer! Registration will open in April.


Sunday Worship Hour Ministries (10:30 AM)

Click to view the winter/spring schedules for NurseryExploreWonder, and Dig. Please note the dates you are scheduled to serve.

Contact Saskia Kendziera with schedule changes or questions (saskia@ferrysburgchurch.com or 616-780-3292). 

Nursery and the following children's ministries for kids through fifth grade will be available this Sunday during our 10:30 worship hour. 

Nursery - Anna Mitchell and Lynn DeYoung will care for our kids on Sunday.

Explore (2-4 year-olds) - Amanda Bair and Audrey Holtrop will share the lesson I Am the Vine.

Wonder (Young Fives-First grade) - Barb Boss and Jeff Merz will share the Parable of the Sower.

Dig (Second-Fifth grade) - Carley Hwang and Michelle Boersma will share the lesson I Am the Vine.

Bible Memory Challenge

For February your family is encouraged to memorize I John 4:11.

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 

talk about it.jpg

Talk About It

  • What habit reminds you of God's love?



GymJam will happen next Thursday, February 27 from 9:30- 11:00am! GymJam is a great opportunity for kids and caregivers to gather in the FCC gym so kids can play and adults can enjoy fellowship.  You are invited to join the Ferrysburg Church GymJam group for occasional announcements and reminders. Contact Kaylee Freeman (kaylee.rae.freeman@gmail.com) with any questions or to be added to an email list for updates/reminders.

The MomCo (Mom Community)/formerly MOPS

Moms have the opportunity to connect on the first and third Thursdays at The MomCo from 9:30-11:00am. We offer a great place for moms to enjoy support, fellowship and adult conversation. Childcare is available for infants, toddlers, and preschool children. The next MomCo gathering will be this Thursday, February 20. New moms and kids are always welcome!

GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior)

First through seventh grade girls are encouraged to join us from 6:30-8:00pm from September - March. New girls are always welcome! Registration and information for 2024-2025 is available at www.ferrysburgchurch.com/gems. Our next GEMS night will take place on March 3.

