Family Ministries Resources
March 19, 2025
Faith @ Home - Spring
FCC families, ministry leaders, and friends,
March 20 marks the spring equinox. The equinox marks the time when day and night are nearly equal. Yay for more hours of light and the eventual coming of warmer weather! Ever since my first year of teaching, Genesis 8:22 has been a favorite verse for the 31 days of March. That March a seasoned teacher was responsible for the bulletin board across the hall from my classroom, and she posted the words of Genesis 8:22 along with a landscape of beautiful tissue paper flowers.
As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.
As we think about God's provision this week, may we be reminded of God's faithful provision of all seasons. May we be reminded of God's faithful provision through all seasons. As I look into my yard, I see daffodils and other bulbs poking through the ground, bringing hope for the season to come. Praise God for all the ways he provides for us.
Upcoming Events
Kids' Choir--Kids' Choir rehearsals continue this Sunday! Rehearsals are from 9:45-10:15 through the month of March. The choir will sing in the service on March 30 and in the Easter service on April 20. Contact Carley Hwang ( with any questions.
March 30 Taco Luncheon--Plan to stay after the service on March 30 for an easy lunch and an opportunity to support our youth for their summer mission trip.
True North VBS--June 16-19 from 9:00-11:30am. Kids four-years old through students entering fifth grade are invited to participate. Volunteers of all ages are needed. Mark your calendars now and plan to make True North part of your summer! Registration will open in April.
Sunday Worship Hour Ministries (10:30 AM)
Rocking Chair Available--A rocking chair is now available for moms and babies to use during the worship service. The chair is located in the youth room, which is located off the back of the sanctuary near the sound board. Nursing moms can pull the door mostly shut when utilizing the room.
Sunday Worship Hour Ministries (10:30 AM)
Rocking Chair Available--A rocking chair is now available for moms and babies to use during the worship service. The chair is located in the youth room, which is located off the back of the sanctuary near the sound board. Nursing moms can pull the door mostly shut when utilizing the room.
Click to view the winter/spring schedules for Nursery, Explore, Wonder, and Dig. Please note the dates you are scheduled to serve.
Contact Saskia Kendziera with schedule changes or questions ( or 616-780-3292).
Nursery and the following children's ministries for kids through fifth grade will be available this Sunday during our 10:30 worship hour.
Nursery - Anna Mitchell and Sherry Ippel will care for our kids on Sunday.
Explore (2-4 year-olds) - Elizabeth Wierenga and Audrey Holtrop will share the lesson The Last Supper.
Wonder (Young Fives-First grade) - Charles Freeman and Birdella Hawkins will share about Jesus and Bartimaeus.
Dig (Second-Fifth grade) - Carley Hwang and Sue Schipma will share the lesson The Last Supper.
Bible Memory Challenge
For March your family is encouraged to memorize I John 1:8-9.
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Forgiven Song--We really want to help kids hide God's word in their heart! Click here to listen to our I John I:8-9 passage. We encourage you to play it during the week and post the coloring sheet with the words in your home. If you missed getting the coloring sheet, it is available on the table in the back hallway.
Talk About It
What is something God provided for you today?
GymJam will happen next on Thursday, March 27 from 9:30- 11:00am! GymJam is a great opportunity for kids and caregivers to gather in the FCC gym so kids can play and adults can enjoy fellowship. You are invited to join the Ferrysburg Church GymJam group for occasional announcements and reminders. Contact Kaylee Freeman ( with any questions or to be added to an email list for updates/reminders.
The MomCo (Mom Community)/formerly MOPS
Moms have the opportunity to connect on the first and third Thursdays at The MomCo from 9:30-11:00am. We offer a great place for moms to enjoy support, fellowship and adult conversation. Childcare is available for infants, toddlers, and preschool children. The next MomCo gathering will be this Thursday, March 20. New moms and kids are alway welcome!
GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior)
First through seventh grade girls are encouraged to join us from 6:30-8:00pm from September - March. GEMS has concluded for this season, but talk to Lori Houskamp if you know of anyone who would like to join us next season!
EXAMPLES OF KIDS HELPING OTHER PEOPLE--Recommended posts and podcasts from Wisdom of the Wounded shared by Karen Mulder
Additional Family Resources
Faith Nurture Books--books to borrow for support/encouragement from our FCC library
40 Free, Fun Faith Forming Ideas for Families
10 Ways to Talk with Kids about Their Faith
5 Ways to Practice Justice and Mercy
Kids Corner-- faith forming devotionals, podcasts, Bible stories, and more
Just Ask Your Mom--podcast on marriage, parenting and more
Parent Cue: Great Articles, Blogs & Podcasts for All Parents
Raising boys and girls podcast