
Thank you for joining us to worship God, hear from his word, and be reminded of his grace.  We hope that you will be blessed and encouraged this morning.  If you are with us for the first time, please stop by the welcome center in The Commons to receive a gift and to say hello.


This Sunday, March 23

There are two stories repeated in all four Gospels that don’t feature Jesus as the main character.  We will look at both of these in the next two weeks. This Sunday we’ll explore Peter’s confession and denial of Christ and why it’s “worth repeating.”  

We will also welcome the Calvin Alumni Choir. The Calvin Alumni Choir is established to organize and promote choral singing of the highest caliber. The choir, in community, cultivates an awareness, understanding, and appreciation for the Christian faith, for choral music, and for Calvin University.  FCC member Sherry Merz is a part of the Calvin Alumni Choir.

Next Sunday, March 30

While the details differ, each Gospel includes a story about a woman anointing Jesus with very expensive perfume.  Each Gospel includes the consternation of the disciples or a religious leader over this act.  But Jesus blesses this gesture and secures for it a place in Christian history by declaring that it would accompany his life.  We’ll look at what makes this act so “worth repeating” next Sunday.  We will also celebrate the profession of faith of Trent and Gabe Gauthier.

Giving QR code.

Ways to Give

You can support God’s work through FCC at any time in the following ways:

1) Electronically, by going to www.ferrysburgchurch.com/give, using the FCC App, or scanning this QR code.  

2) Use the giving boxes in the back of the sanctuary.

3) Mail your check to church or use your bank’s bill pay service.

This Week’s Offering – World Renew

World Renew’s Disaster Response Service shows God’s love and brings hope to disaster-affected communities in North America by restoring the homes and lives of those who are most vulnerable.  Next week the offering will be for Holtrop ministries.


Lenten Guides

Guides with a daily practice and a reflection question “worth repeating” for each week are available at the end of the pews and in The Commons. Be sure to grab your guide this Sunday!


Taco Bar Fundraiser

Join us in the gym after  Worship on March 30th, 2025 for some tacos! Donations will support the Youth Mission Trip this summer.


FCC Golf League

With some spring weather of late, plans are being made about offering an FCC Golf League again. Last year we had over 30 FCC members (co-ed) and other invited guests participate in our golf league! This year we will be playing at Terra Verde Golf Club on Thursdays, from early May to late August, with tee times between 3:45 and 5:00 p.m.  To assist us in planning for a 2025 League, anyone interested can contact John Kramer (616) 822-1147 or Dan Wierenga (616) 308-3438, league co-coordinators.


Kids Hope Mentor Needed

We have a request for two more mentors. Please call or email Judy Ponstine if you are interested (judy@ferrysburgchurch.com).


Childcare Volunteers Needed

Childcare Volunteers are needed on Tuesdays from 9:30-11:00 at Ferrysburg Community Church for a Breastfeeding Support Group for mamas in the community. Looking for a once a month commitment. Contact Kaylee Freeman (616-843-7929) if you are interested in serving. Thank you!


VBS - Save the Dates!

Ferrysburg’s True North Adventure will take place the mornings of June 16-19. Kids from four years-old through students entering fifth grade are invited to participate. Volunteers will be needed. Please mark your calendars now and plan to make this peak experience part of your summer!


VBS Props Needed

These are some of the props we are looking to borrow for VBS. Please reach out to Robin (616-540-6665) if you have any of these items to loan us.

    ◦    Kayak

    ◦    Fishing Kreel 

    ◦    Fishing net with handle

    ◦    Fishing bucket

    ◦    Curtians w/ a cabin look to them

    ◦    Fireplace tool set

    ◦    Small rustic pine trees

    ◦    Flat white sheets

    ◦    Cotton batting

    ◦    Firewood 

◦  Wood stumps


Single Ladies Lunch Gathering

Please join us Friday, March 21 at 12:00 at the Grand Traverse Pie company on Harvey for food and fellowship. Please spread the word, we would love to see some new smiles! Please contact Sandy if you would like a ride.


FCC Knitters

The FCC Knitting Group meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 1:00pm-3:00pm at church in The Commons.  Talk to Rosemary VerHeul for more information. 



LifeGroups are mid-sized groups of people from our church family that gather twice a month to study, serve, and share life together.  We have groups for all kinds of people at different places in life.  If you’d like more information or help finding a LifeGroup, contact Pastor Nate (nate@ferrysburgchurch.com) or the church office (office@ferrysburgchurch.com).


Connections Emails

Want to stay in the loop with your church family?  Sign up for the Connections email.  An email goes out on Mondays, Thursdays, and Sunday mornings.  This is also how we communicate cancellations and other important information.  To sign up, send an email office@ferrysburgchurch.com.


Online Directory

Contact the office or check with a staff person or member of Council if you need the password to access our online directory.


Women’s Coffee

Join us in The Grove on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 9am.


Men’s Coffee

Come for a cup of coffee and some conversation every Wednesday morning at 9am in the Commons.


Youth and Education


GymJam is a great opportunity for kids and caregivers to gather in the FCC gym so kids can play and adults can enjoy fellowship from 9:30-11:00am! The next GymJam will be on March 27. You are invited to join the Ferrysburg Church GymJam group for occasional announcements and reminders. Contact Kaylee Freeman (kaylee.rae.freeman@gmail.com) with any questions or to be added to an email list for updates/reminders.


The MomCo (Mom Community)

The MomCo offers a great place for moms to enjoy support, fellowship and adult conversation. Our next meeting will be April 3 from 9:30-11am. 


Student Ministries

Both Summit (9th-12th) and Base Camp (6th-8th) will be meeting on Sundays from 12-1:30pm in the Youth Room. Email Drew@ferrysburgchurch.com with any questions.


Community Announcements

Share Your Gifts at Love in Action

If you already volunteer with Love in Action, we want to say thank you!  Giving of your time is a precious gift and we are grateful.  Do you know all the ways there are to get involved at Love in Action? Receptionist, client advisor, financial coach, health and dental clinics, administrative assistant/data entry, Upscale Resale store, transporting and processing donations, central pantry, gardening/landscaping, maintenance, mobile food distribution (food truck).  We all have gifts to share, and when we share, we create opportunities to learn, grow, and connect with others.  Opportunities range from one-time events to ongoing, weekly scheduled shifts.  As a volunteer, you decide your schedule! Email love@loveinactiontricities.org for more information.


Spring Lake High School - Host Families Needed

Spring Lake high school will be accepting foreign exchange students for the 2025/2026 school year. If you would be interested in hosting a foreign exchange student for the upcoming school year, please have them contact Marissa Ackerson at 315-921-3306 or email her at mackerson30@outlook.com.