Advent Fasting

It’s a longstanding Christian tradition to give up something during the season of Lent.  It might be meat on Fridays. It could be TV or other forms of entertainment. The options are endless.  Christians who choose to fast during Lent are making an effort to prepare themselves for a celebration of the resurrection.  For most of Christian history Advent was to Christmas what Lent is to Easter. Advent has traditionally also been a season of preparation.  People would fast in order to focus on the wonder of the incarnation. In recent years this Advent emphasis has been lost in a festive season that begins on November 1.

I’ve decided that this year I am going to fast during Advent.  I would encourage you to consider this as well. With all the things that tug at our attention during this season, with all the distractions of the holidays, an intentional fast can help us refocus on what’s really important.  I have decided that I am going to fast from the news. I’m not making that a recommendation, but rather an example of one way to fast. What can you remove from (or add to) your life this Advent that will help you stay focused on The Reason?

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