The Candle of Peace

Sometimes a word gets watered down to the point of losing its meaning.  I think the word “peace” is a classic example of this. Maybe it got co-opted by the flower children in the 1960s.  Maybe Ryan Seacrest stripped it of meaning by ending American Idol with “Peace out.”  This word has come to mean something pretty ordinary.  It means, “I hope things go well for you.” It means, “Our countries aren’t shooting at each other right now.”  This is the peace that we’ve settled for: a decent set of personal circumstances or the absence of active combat.

But when the Bible talks about peace it means something totally different.  On a personal level, it is a rock solid assurance that nothing can ever change the most important things in our lives.  On a broader scale it refers to something greater than a cease-fire. It speaks of nations working together in trust and friendship and respect.  This kind of peace is very rare. This is a peace only Jesus can bring. As we light the candle of peace, consider what a precious commodity peace is.  Remember that it has a single source: the baby that was born on Christmas.

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