Lessons from Israel: Valley of Elah
/The Valley of Elah is the site of one of the most famous battles in history. Here took place a duel between a massive giant named Goliath and a barely-armed teenager named David. What we often lose sight of is that this was more than a battle of two nations. It was more than a conflict between two armies. It was a spiritual battle. Goliath was talking spiritual trash about the God of Israel. David, who had not been subject to weeks of intimidation by Goliath, understood this. They weren’t just fighting over a piece of land. As David moves in to strike the fatal blow, he says, “For the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hand.”
There is always a spiritual component to the battles we fight in life. As we struggle with sin or emotional wounds or other challenges, we are settling an age old question: Is our God stronger? David knew that the Lord was indeed stronger than Goliath and the Philistine army. And so he let God fight the battle for him. Whatever valley you find yourself fighting in, remember that the battle is the Lord’s. He is stronger than your sin, your pain, your brokenness. You may not stand a chance against these enemies. But Jesus has conquered the ultimate enemy, death. The victory you seek has already been won in Jesus name.