International Students

My name is Kyle Kempster and I direct the international student department at Western Michigan Christian High School. We have had a program for many years but for about 6 years we have maintained more than 25 students from China, Korea, South Africa, Spain, and Vietnam.  I have been so blessed by the way members of my FCC family have hosted these students.  We have been able to show them a loving, welcoming community of all kinds of people who are becoming like Jesus.  Thank you for embracing these students!

Hosting an international student is an opportunity to share Christ, your faith, and to share culture together. Some of these students are not familiar with the Gospel.  One of the most powerful witnesses to our faith is for students to see it lived out in our daily lives.  Hosting a student has also been a source of blessings for host families.  Our world becomes bigger and richer when we practice hospitality in this way.

Right now we are in urgent need to place 2 students within a week at this time because of current host family situations.  One is a grade 10 boy and the other is a senior girl.  Both are great students with good grades and good English.  The stipend to help cover the cost of food and transportation is $400 per month.  Please contact me if you are interested at or 231-730-7779.

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