From Samantha Francart

If you were at church yesterday, you probably heard about the upcoming changes. I’ve been accepted to squad lead a group of 18 to 20-year-olds on a program called World Race Gap Year. This is something that has been on my heart for a while, and as I began pursuing what this might look like for me, doors that I couldn’t open on my own began flying wide open. I will be leaving for this 9-month trip at the end of August. I plan on finishing out the school year here at FCC, and over the next couple of months, FCC will start the process of hiring a new Youth Director. 

 It’s hard to find the words to explain to you how thankful I am for the opportunity to have led the student ministries here at FCC for the past couple of years. I am so grateful to this church family for all of your encouragement and support!

 On this journey, as God has led me closer to His heart, what I’ve discovered more than anything is that it’s all about Him. Every breath, every thought, every word. He is worth everything. Every decision, every action, every step. He desires to guide; we simply must choose to trust, listen, and obey. I’m finishing out this year full of joy for what God has already done and full of hope - confident expectation - for what He will continue to do!

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