The Father's Provision

When I recorded this video last week (please click below), I had no idea how quickly things were going to change. Last week, we were reading about how Italy was being quarantined. Today, we're wondering what life will look like here in America. In the midst of this chaotic and confusing time, God is still in control. He is not surprised by the coronavirus. He is not hiding out somewhere waiting for it to end. He is here with us. During an uncomfortable time, He can provide comfort. During a time of questioning, He can provide peace. During a time of fear, He can provide joy. God is our provider; He is trustworthy and unchanging. As He provides for the sparrows and the lilies, He will continue to provide for us.

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust."

Surely he will save you
    from the fowler's snare
    and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers,
    and under his wings you will find refuge;

Psalm 91:1-4