Note from FCC Council

Hello, FCC family, 

It has been nearly 3 months since we met for corporate worship on a Sunday morning, and we miss seeing and encouraging each other in person! We thank you for your prayers for and support of FCC during the shutdown for Covid-19. As the State of Michigan loosens its restrictions on public gatherings, the FCC Council is beginning to consider the resumption of in-person Sunday morning worship services. To that end, Council has appointed a small work group of both Council and non-Council members to develop a plan for how to meet for worship on Sunday morning. The work group will report back to Council near the end of this month, and after reviewing the plan, Council will select a date to begin our Sunday morning services in-person. 

Our goal is to communicate with you as clearly and with as much information as is possible. We want you to know that our worship services will look and feel differently than they did before the Covid-19 shutdown. We will not be “going back to normal” any time in the immediate future. We understand that members of our church may have differing opinions about the shutdown and how to resume gathering, so we ask for your grace, sacrifice, and patience as we navigate through uncharted waters. It is our desire to honor God and model Christ to each other and our community at this time and in this process.

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