Hoping for Great Things

After living under a global health crisis for five months, I have a question for you.  Are you hoping for good things?  Or are you hoping for great things?  The good things we hope for are a vaccine, economic rebound, and the day when we don’t have to social distance or wear masks.  I think all of us are on board with those things.  But we should also be hoping for great things.  The great things are outcomes that only God can bring about for his glory.  Things like people receiving Christ as Lord through the circumstances we’re in.  The powerful truth that God is teaching us through this time.  Things of eternal value that couldn’t happen any other way.

Whether it’s a pandemic, cancer, or any other difficult issue we face, we can hope for good things.  But we can also hope for great things.  We can expect God to move through the most difficult circumstances to do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine.  Let’s pray for healing, protection, and eradication of this virus.  But let’s also pray expectantly that God will do great and eternal things in the very midst of these difficult circumstances.

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