In-Person Worship after Four Weeks

Our council is very pleased with how well things have gone on Sunday mornings.  Gathering for worship under these circumstances is something that we had no roadmap for or experience with.  We are thankful to all of you who have attended worship at our facility.  We appreciate the respect you have shown and the care you have taken to follow the guidelines.  We recognize that wearing a face covering is uncomfortable.  Thank you for following this guideline in our building.  We are also excited that so many of you are faithfully participating in worship through our live stream.  We think this has gone well.  We would love to hear how it could be improved. 

After a month of in-person worship, we have just one area of concern.  When people exit the building, there are often tight clusters of people talking without face coverings.  Covid transmission is less of a concern outdoors.  However, it is still wise to practice social distancing and/or to continue wearing a face covering.  Despite the restrictions under which we worship, we still experience God's presence with us on Sunday morning.  Thanks for your understanding and patience as we learn how to be the Church on Sunday mornings.

From The FCC Council

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