Labor Day

A week from today our nation will observe Labor Day.  It is a celebration that was instituted in the late 1800s to honor the working men and women in our country.  For years hard work and striving for a better life have been woven into our national narrative.  We believe that industriousness prevails and that our labors can procure a fuller life.

As Christians we should recognize that our labor day was Good Friday.  It is not our hard work that has won us a better life, but Christ’s finished work on the cross that wins us a new life.  The Christian narrative emphasizes grace and the good news that our best labors can never make us right with God.  So as we come to Labor Day, a national holiday where we rest from our labors, we are in the best position to celebrate.  In Christ we have permanently rested from trying to earn salvation.  We have been celebrating labor day since Calvary.  Next Monday should come quite naturally to us. 

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