
There are very few guarantees in life.  Most of the time when a company “guarantees” their product, they simply are offering your money back if you don’t like their product.  They’re not actually guaranteeing it.  I feel pretty strongly like I can make you a guarantee.  If you participate in a GrowGroup, you will become more like Jesus.  

GrowGroups are gender-based groups of 2-7 people that meet on a weekly basis to grow closer to God, deeper in relationships with each other, and support each other in announcing God’s kingdom.  Worship services are great for encouraging and inspiring us.  LifeGroups are great for connecting us with others, serving together, and pressing into our relationship with God.  But the most effective way to truly grow in your faith and become like Jesus is in a smaller group of people - a place where you can be authentic and find people who will support you and challenge you at a deeper level.  

On Monday, September 28 at 7:00pm, we will hold a 45-minute GrowGroups workshop.  Becky Tjapkes and I will tell you about GrowGroups, present some different types of groups, and share how you can get involved.  We will also live stream the workshop.  Please consider joining us in person and online and learn about a guaranteed way to become more like Jesus.
