Kingdom Investment Update

In 2022 we will be using the funds freed up from paying off our building debt to make an investment in God’s kingdom.  Last month we shared with you plans to support a refugee family and participate in a home build with Habitat for Humanity.  Since then, we’ve been so excited by your encouragement and desire to be involved.  Our Kingdom Investment team felt that coordinating these projects will require a point person - someone who can communicate with partner organizations and support volunteers from FCC.  We’re happy to let you know that our Director of Student Ministries, Kyle Mullin, will be filling that role.

When we hired Kyle, we knew that directing our student ministries was not a full time position all by itself.  Once Kyle was established, we would be looking for another way for him to support God’s work at FCC.  This position is a perfect fit for Kyle.  Not only does it match his passion to help people in need, it will be a great opportunity to involve our students in this work.  As we move into these projects, stay tuned for updates from Kyle.  If you’d like to help out or have ideas, feel free to contact him at  Please keep Kyle and these projects in your prayers.