GrowGroups - Huddles

Here’s an offer - a bargain, really.  You are invited to invest about an hour every week and, in return, gain a great deal of spiritual growth and capital.  For just over an hour a week you will understand more clearly what it means to follow Jesus and how to do it.  You will gain a small community of people who are praying for you and walk the journey with you.  All that for just an hour or so each week!

Starting in January, we will offer a type of GrowGroup called a huddle.  It’s a weekly meeting where we look at concepts from Jesus’ life and apply them to our own.  Huddles are made up of 5-7 people and will meet on Tuesday evenings from January into June.  We’ll learn about the rhythms of Jesus’ life, the way he related to others, and how he thought about his own life.  We’ll find ways to respond to these concepts that help us become more like Jesus.  For more information or to sign up, email Pastor Nate by clicking here.