Spiritual Discipline of Fasting
/We’re on the third month of practicing spiritual disciplines as a church family. This month, we’re focusing on fasting and its importance. Yesterday, Pastor Nate challenged us to fast for 24 hours. For some of us, this seems like an insurmountable task. We’ve simply become accustomed to eating. If you feel led to participate in the 24-hour fast this week, something I’d like to encourage you with is Romans 12. In Romans 12:1, Paul writes, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” When Paul writes “present your bodies,” this is connected to the idea of a living sacrifice, which calls to mind priestly service. Spiritually speaking, our bodies are brought to God’s altar. This is a reference to our entire being! When we give our bodies to God, the soul and spirit go with it. Our thoughts and our desires are brought before the Lord. When Paul says, “I urge you,” he’s reminding us that the will is to be the master over the body. The thinking of our age says that our body must tell the will what to do; but the Bible says that our will must bring the body as a living sacrifice to God. The body is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master. Keeping it at God’s altar as a living sacrifice keeps the body where it should be. May we remember this as we practice the spiritual discipline of fasting this week!