Becoming Like Jesus in Celebration

In previous generations, religion was characterized by reverence.  Perhaps some of you remember growing up in churches that were very solemn.  You sat perfectly still and wore your very best clothes.  It was all very serious.  Reverence is certainly an appropriate response to God.  But it’s not the only appropriate response to God.  There is plenty of room for joyous celebration as well.  And we see this clearly in the life of Jesus.

Jesus knew how to have a good time!  He told parables that, in their context, were hysterically funny.  He regularly attended parties.  Sometimes he would go to the homes of prominent leaders.  Other times he would go to places where prominent leaders wouldn’t be caught dead.  The Gospels state that the “Son of Man came eating and drinking.”  So clear was his penchant for celebration that he was accused of having a demon.  Any serious attempt to become more like Jesus must include celebration.  As we grow more like him, we will become more celebrative, more joyful, even more fun.
