God Works While I Sleep

I think there’s a sermon in here somewhere, but I had this great thought the other day: God never stops working.  I feel foolish saying this, but as a pastor I often operate under the assumption that God’s work happens when I am on the job.  God needs me in order to do things in our church.  I know.  It’s silly and arrogant.  But we often live our lives under the impression that God is only working on situations when we are focusing our time and attention on them.

In John 5, when Jesus was accused of working on the Sabbath, he made this statement about God: “My Father is always at his work, to this very day.”  Jesus doesn’t say that God is only at work to the extent Jesus is on the job.  God is always at work.  And for some of that work, we can join in and be a part of it.  That means that while I watch the Tigers, God is still at work.  When I’m hiking with one of my kids in the UP, God is still at work at FCC.  When you’re stuck in traffic or waiting to check out, God never stops working.  And when I go to sleep at night, the work of God continues without limitation.  It’s important to join God in his work.  It’s just as important to know that his work never stops, even when we’re not involved.
