Shaping Our Minds and Hearts for Service

During the month of June, we are practicing the spiritual discipline of service.  As with other months and other disciplines, we’re suggesting a different way to practice it each week.  Last week we asked you to practice the discipline of service by doing a “hidden” act of service - something that very few, if any, people would know you did.  We hope you’ll continue to do this as you have the opportunity.  But this week we’re encouraging you to reflect on the nature of service itself.

We believe that the Bible has the power to change us.  When we read it and meditate on it, the Holy Spirit works on our hearts and minds.  And so we would like you to reflect on the most startling example of service in the Bible - John 13:1-17.  Take a few days this week and read through this passage of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet.  Place yourself there in the story and wonder what it must have felt like.  Why did Jesus do that?  What does it say to you about becoming more like Jesus?  Read it with your family or your spouse at dinner a couple of nights this week.  Let this amazing demonstration of service shape your own heart and mind.

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