Snow Day

There are few events in life that polarize children and adults like a snow day.  Now the first snow day of the year is often fun for everyone.  It can even awaken the child in all of us.  As adults we remember the thrill of waking up and hearing mom say, “No school today.  You can go back to bed.”  The second snow day of the year is not received so gladly by adults.  It often comes at a bad time.  So when we get to the third or fourth cancelled school day of the year, adults have had enough.  Most parents still have to go to work.  This means scrambling to figure out what to do with the kids.  Our children, on the other hand, receive the news of a snow day with great joy.  It is a gift.

I’m reminded of the time Jesus told His disciples, “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”  Let me paraphrase: Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a snow day will never enter it.  I challenge you today to see the joy in a child’s eyes at the good news of a snow day.  Receive the good news of the kingdom of God like that - as a gift.