The Father’s Provision

What do you need?  What do you need today?  These are two very different questions.  When I think about my material needs, most of them aren’t very urgent.  Sure, I need to eat today.  But there is food in my cupboards and in my refrigerator.  I need clothes to wear today but my closet is full.  Most of the needs I worry about are well into the future.  In fact, they’re not really needs as much as things I need to figure out or remember to do.

While most of us are in this same blessed position, there are still things we need today.  As you go into this day there are decisions that need to be made.  There are hard conversations to be had.  There are tests to be taken and pitches to make.  But there are also challenges lurking that you aren’t even aware of.  Situations that will come up and surprise you.  Snags that you didn’t anticipate.  While you can’t see these things coming, God does.  He knows exactly the daily bread you need for today.  Ask him for it with confidence!