Looking for Resurrection

Typically, we think of the resurrection as an event that happened 2,000 years ago. It was a one-time occurrence that we can look back on and celebrate. It does some very wonderful things for us, but it is a moment in history. For the past several Sundays, we’ve been talking about the resurrection as an earthquake. And the truth is that it has never stopped quaking. Since that day in Jerusalem, the tremors have been going on. If we pay attention, we can still feel them.

We experience the rumble of resurrection when God answers a prayer. We feel it when we forgive or are forgiven. The tremors can be felt when we worship or take delight in the work of our hands. Any time we experience joy or hope or sacrificial love, the earthquake is still happening. All of these things have their roots in the resurrection of Jesus. Yes, Jesus was raised to new life at a moment in history. But the resurrection continues on in all of these ways. If you keep your eyes and heart open, you will see and feel it all around you today.