Weddings and Anniversaries

Yesterday in our worship service we recognized a couple who were celebrating their 60th anniversary.  Later on in the day I did a wedding for a couple who will wake up today to their first full day of married life.  Sara and I are somewhere in between with 24 years under our belts.  It’s a long way from day one to year 60.  There are a lot of highs and lows.  There is much forgiveness, tears, and compromise along the way.  

One thing I’m sure about is that no one gets to year 60 on accident or by dumb luck.  A 60th anniversary - any anniversary, for that matter - is the result of intentional decisions, sacrifice, and commitment.  If you’re married and reading this, what can you do today that will put some fuel in your marriage tank?  What conversation, act of kindness or romance would make a contribution to the health and endurance of your marriage.  And if you’re not married and reading this, say a prayer for the marriages in your life.  Pray that God would keep them strong and protected.