Your Next Free Minute

What do you do when you have one free minute?  Some examples of free minutes might include waiting for your child to finish practice, the time you stand in line at the restaurant waiting to be seated, or at the grocery store waiting to check out.  You might have a free minute while your eggs are cooking or while you’re pumping gas.  A free minute could happen while you are on hold with customer service.  The time between the end of one task and the start of another could also be a free minute.  So what do you do with these free minutes?

Typically we pull out our phone and check Facebook or Twitter or our email.  It might be just enough time to send a quick text or check our calendar.  Maybe you make a phone call and find someone to keep you company while you wait.  Most of the time we have free minutes, we fill them with distractions.  Here’s a challenge for you this week.  What if you used your free minutes to pray?  What if you offered God a list of things you were thankful for that day?  What if you prayed for a friend who is struggling?  That seems like a much more productive way to use a free minute.  So there’s the challenge.  This week use some of your free minutes to pray.  Are you in?