Stewards of Generosity
/Most churches and charitable organizations have a certain set of decisions to make. How do we navigate being “in the red”? What actions do we take when expenses outpace income? Being a good steward in these situations means making tough decisions. For the past couple of years, our Council had the privilege of a different set of decisions. Your generous giving has not only allowed us to meet expenses, it has helped us pay off our building loan early. It has allowed us to take previously designated mortgage money and use it to sponsor the Benchuks, bring the Gospel and clean water to Guatemala, and come alongside Love In Action.
Once again this year your generosity has put us in a position to be good stewards of a surplus. We ended the year ahead of expenses by nearly $30,000. The very first thing we’ve agreed to do is send a tithe (10%) to World Renew to help their relief efforts in Turkey and northern Syria. The rest will be used toward future facility upgrades and mission projects. We take your generosity seriously and want to be good stewards of it. We welcome your questions and input and are grateful to be your partners in announcing God’s kingdom.