Easter Every Day

Yesterday we had a wonderful celebration of the resurrection.  We celebrated Jesus’ triumph over death with decorations, wonderful music, beautiful flowers, spoken word, and prayer.  FCC was not unusual in doing this.  Virtually every congregation in the world was doing something special to celebrate the resurrection.  In the Church, Easter is not just a special occasion.  It is THE special occasion.

There might be just one downside to all this celebrating: we can end up thinking that the resurrection is somehow less powerful today than it was yesterday.  We can believe that it was more significant yesterday than it will be tomorrow.  But the reality for us is that every day is Easter.  Every day is the resurrection.  Whether we gather to celebrate it in our church buildings or not, the power of Easter is just as strong.  No matter how you feel on any tomorrow, He is still risen.  And that makes any day a day worth celebrating.