Staying Connected

Summer time is a much needed respite.  From September through May life moves at a rapid pace.  If you have school age children, you are busy supporting their curricular and extracurricular endeavors.  If you have grandchildren, you are trying to keep up with them while balancing your own work and travel schedule.  Within our church family our programs and ministries are cranked up from fall to spring.  But summer is a time of rest - a sabbath of sorts.  We scale back our schedules and programs and slow down a bit.

This summer reprieve gives us the chance to travel, vacation, and get away for long weekends.  And that’s great.  We need to recharge and rest.  One of the unfortunate consequences is that we can start to feel disconnected from our church family.  So here is a challenge for you to consider this summer.  If you won’t be in church on Sunday, make a point to connect with a few people from our church family during the week instead.  Invite a family over for dinner.  Meet someone at the beach or for a walk.  Even giving someone a call to check in can help you stay connected and deepen relationships.  It’s important for some of the activity to slow down during the summer.  But let’s not let up on relationships!