Where were you when…?
/Today is the 22nd anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. If you’re over the age of 30, you will remember exactly where you were when the planes hit the towers. You will also have some sense of how that single event changed life for all of us. In addition to the indelible mark it left on us, air travel has never been the same. Perhaps more than any of that, we were exposed to a kind of evil that we thought we were protected from.
There is a similar kind of event in history, an event many orders of magnitude greater than 9/11. It is a moment that changed everything. Two thousand years ago, Jesus took the sins of the world upon himself and died on a cross. Three days later he was raised to new life. More than world wars, an economic depression, 9/11, or Covid, this one weekend has changed history. Where our destiny had been separation from our Creator, we are now his very own children. We are forever forgiven and new. And where were you when this moment happened? While your conscious mind may not recall, your soul will remember it well. You were there on the cross with Jesus, dying to yourself. You were walking out of the tomb, raised to new life with Christ.