Groundhog Day

There are two famous events that take place in early February: the Super Bowl and Groundhog Day.  I put absolutely no stock in a silly rodent when it comes to predicting the remaining amount of winter.  Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow, indicating an early spring.  But I’m not so sure…  Anyway, the whole phenomenon of Groundhog Day did give rise to a very clever movie.  Bill Murray is a weatherman who must relive a 24-hour period (which happens to be Groundhog Day) over and over.  The idea is that before he can move on to the next day, he needs to make some significant personal changes.  When he puts aside his selfish and indulgent ways, the loop is broken and a new day begins.

In my own life I’ve had a similar experience.  I’ve never been stuck in the same day.  But I’ve been stuck in patterns of behavior over months and even years.  For Bill Murray it took a relationship with a female co-worker to make the necessary changes.  For me, it’s been through a relationship with Jesus.  Jesus leads us out of unhelpful patterns and endless cycles if we’re willing to follow him.  Everyday is a day of growth and new beginnings.  There are no Groundhog Days with Jesus.