House Money

Over the last few years, sporting events on TV have come with a steady barrage of advertisements for online gambling.  Many of these sports books will give you free money to gamble with when you open an account with them.  In the casinos, this is called “house money.”  It is money that is given to you by the casino to bet, play the slots, or any other game involving wagers.  While I’m no advocate of gambling, I think there is a powerful spiritual parallel for those of us who are in Christ.

In the spiritual economy, we bring no money to the table.  The Bible tells us we are dead in our sins.  We have neither funds nor collateral.  But God not only makes us alive in Christ, he gives us an infinite wealth of riches to use in his service.  When we seek first his kingdom, we are playing with house money.  There is no risk in losing what we have in Christ because God has an infinite supply of grace and power to do his will.  There is no risk in stepping out in faith and following God’s leading.  It is his riches that we are leveraging and there is no end to that supply.