Built on the Rock

It’s not immediately visible as you walk into our sanctuary.  But behind the communion table and the cross, there is a large concrete pier.  While the whole chancel (stage) is covered with brick, this pier was left as plain concrete in order to present as a rock.  This “rock” extends many feet below ground level, and for good reason.  All the weight of the sanctuary rests on this rock.  The ceiling beams are tied into a series of vertical beams that rest on this massive concrete pier.

It is a symbol that Ferrysburg Community Church is built on the Rock who is Jesus our Lord.  Our church isn’t built on the talent of musicians or preachers.  FCC is built on Jesus, nothing less than his blood and righteousness.  Every Sunday when we come to worship, we are standing on Christ the solid rock.  Anything other than him - all other ground - is sinking sand.