The Old Rugged Cross

Every Christian church has a cross in the sanctuary.  Our cross at FCC is unique.  You’ve probably never seen one like it in any church sanctuary you’ve visited.  Here’s the story… For years the church Christmas tree would be cut down on property owned by church members Arnie and Joan Pals.  One year, rather than disposing of the tree, someone got creative.  They trimmed off all the branches, cut it into two sections, and bolted it together in the shape of a cross.  The tree that reminds us of Jesus’ birth now also reminds us of his death.  Today the cross is decorated to reflect the liturgical season and is a key part of our sanctuary aesthetics.

Legend has it that when Rev. Al Hoksbergen visited FCC to decide whether to become our pastor, he saw the tree.  He exclaimed, “I belong in this church!  I’m a crooked stick, just like that cross.”  Our sanctuary cross reminds us that Jesus was born to us and died for us in all our crookedness and gnarliness.  Thanks be to God!