No One Stands Alone

People standing together.

Note: This message is so important that I like to run it about once a year.  I think it’s a great reminder to our church family and worth repeating.

I want to issue our church family a challenge.  It’s called “No one stands alone.”  Generally speaking, we are a very friendly church.  Guests who worship with us typically report feeling very welcomed.  Every once in a while, someone slips through the cracks.  A guest exits the sanctuary, gets a cup of coffee, then stands by himself or herself for five minutes and leaves.  Ugh.  

So here’s the challenge.  Let’s work together to make sure that no one stands alone in our church.  Whether a first time guest or a member, let’s keep our eyes peeled for people or couples who are standing by themselves in our lobby before or after the service.  A simple handshake, a warm welcome, and a few questions to get to know that person will make all the difference.  In the family of God, no one should stand alone.  As an expression of God’s family at FCC, let’s come together to make sure it doesn’t happen here.