The True Comparison

Woman holding head in frustration.

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. (2 Corinthians 4:17)

There’s a thing we do when we go through times of struggle, challenge, or suffering.  We remind ourselves that others have it even worse than we do.  Maybe you totaled your car, but someone else lost their job.  Maybe you lost your job, but someone else lost their spouse.  There’s always someone who has it worse.  I’m not sure comparing different kinds of suffering is a wise action.  Everyone experiences suffering in a different way.  The people and circumstances involved are never identical.  Each person’s suffering is unique to them - painful and productive in distinct ways.  

The true comparison is not between different kinds of suffering, but between our current suffering and the future glory that awaits us as God’s children.  Paul describes our present suffering as “light and momentary.”   That’s not to discount the deep pain and struggle you have experienced.  In no way do these words minimize the struggle you’re going through or the pain you feel.  Rather, Paul invites us to compare our suffering to the glory that will be ours.  He invites us to hold up our trials next to an eternity of perfect peace and complete joy.  That’s the true comparison.  And it’s true encouragement as well.  What awaits us in God’s presence far outweighs the heaviest trial you will ever face.