National Day of (Online) Prayer

This week something huge will happen.  In some ways it’s bigger than a presidential election.  On Thursday we are being asked by our government to pray for our nation.  This is an awesome opportunity for all of us who represent the kingdom of God.  You see, prayer is something that belongs uniquely to God’s people.  Prayer is our thing.  And when our national government asks us to do our thing for them, that’s a really big deal.  Of course, we do this all the time.  We pray for our nation regularly as individuals and as a congregation.  But this time we’re being asked.

I think that followers of Jesus ought to vote.  I think that it is our civic duty as citizens of America.  But we are first of all citizens of God’s kingdom.  And prayer is an even bigger obligation than voting.  So I want to encourage everyone to pray for our nation on Thursday.  This year we won’t be able to gather to do that as in years past.  But our nation and leaders need our prayers perhaps even more than in years past.  So we will gather online this Thursday, May 7, at noon for a brief time of prayer.  Stay tuned for more information and plan to join us in prayer, and hopefully online, this Thursday.

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