Staff Transition

Yesterday we shared with you the news that Samantha Francart, our Youth Director, will be leaving FCC this summer to do mission work in Nepal.  Sam has given us four excellent years of leading student ministry and contributing to our vision.  While we are sad to see this partnership end, we are both grateful for Sam’s work and excited for the new work that God has called her to.  Sam remains committed to FCC and our students over the next several months and will step down at the end of May.

As a church, we remain committed to our students as well.  We will be working over the next several months to find a new person to lead our student ministries.  As we adjust to a new environment and the impacts of Covid, we will review this position to clarify the kind of person we want to hire and the kind of work we want them to do.  Please pray for our leadership as we engage this important process.  Pray for Sam as she finishes her time at FCC and prepares for ministry in Nepal.  And pray for our students as they say goodbye to Sam and prepare to welcome a new leader.
