Coronavirus Update from the FCC Council

Dear Church Family,

We want to begin by telling you how impressed and grateful we continue to be for all of you.  This has been a year like no other.  You have navigated these challenges with understanding, grace, and faithfulness.  It appears we are now coming into the anticipated fall/winter surge of Covid cases.  At this point we plan to continue offering both online and in-person worship services.  However, we may run into Sundays when essential worship personnel are not available, like yesterday.  If that’s the case, we will move our services online and notify you as soon as possible.  It might be a good idea to check your email or our FCC Facebook page on Sunday morning.  Here are a few other things to keep in mind.

  • Please continue to use safe practices at church: stay home if you’re sick, keep your mouth and nose covered, maintain social distance, and wash or sanitize your hands.

  • When all these safeguards are followed, there is a good chance you will be safe at FCC on Sunday.  But there is no guarantee.  The risk of coming into contact with someone who has Covid increases at a larger gathering like our worship service.  Please take this into consideration as you choose how to participate in our worship services.

  • If you test positive for Covid and may have been infectious while at church, please notify people with whom you had close or prolonged contact.

The next several months will continue to be challenging.  Our God remains present and at work even during this difficult season.  If you have any questions, please contact an administrative elder (Jim Niewenhuis, Kevin Youngquist, Michael Michaud).
