Lessons from Israel: Magdala

The Gospels never specifically refer to a small village on the Sea of Galilee called Magdala.  Yet we know Jesus had a great deal of influence there. It’s almost certain he visited this town frequently.  It’s claim to fame is a lady named Mary. You know her as Mary Magdalene - “Mary from Magdala.” Jesus cast seven demons out of her.  She, in turn, supported Jesus and his ministry in practical ways. While modern conspiracy theories have Jesus romantically involved with her, Mary was probably an older lady who was a mother figure to Jesus and his disciples.

Today Magdala is a museum designed to draw our attention to the role of women in the Bible.  As I watched my wife and daughters walk through the ancient village, I thought of how Jesus valued women far beyond the culture in which he lived.  I thought of the way women were created by God to be full participants in his kingdom. Jesus empowered women to join him in unprecedented ways. He understood that God means to do his work just as much through women as men.  Below is a beautiful mural in the chapel at Magdala. It is a depiction of Jesus compassion for a suffering woman. Do you know which story this is?

Lessons from Israel: Mt. Arbel

Of all the knowledge I gained in Israel, one of the most important insights is scale.  We live in a large state in a very large country.  I guess I’ve naturally and subconsciously imagined Israel on the same scale.  When Jesus traveled from one town to another, I assumed that he was going from Grand Rapids to Detroit, or from Grand Haven to Chicago.  The reality is much different. The towns and villages that became the seat of Jesus’ ministry were nearly within shouting distance of each other.  Capernaum, Korazin, and Bethsaida are three villages known as “The Jesus Triangle.” Jesus spent about 90% of his ministry in these three towns. They are all within a five mile radius of each other.  An easy and accurate parallel is to think of our own tri-cities. The top photo below is a picture of the north end of the Sea of Galilee from Mt. Arbel. The second photo is zoomed in on the area where Jesus spent the vast majority of his ministry.

It helps me realize that I don’t have to travel extensively to serve God.  Often it is a sustained and faithful service in one small area that creates the most impact.  When you think about serving God, do you typically imagine going someplace else to do it? Do you believe faithful service involves extensive travel?  While Jesus took a few “mission trips” in his life, he was focused on one small area in God’s vast earth. God has put us where we are for a reason. Be faithful where you’ve been placed and don’t underestimate the impact your life can have there.


Lessons from Israel: En Gedi

En Gedi is an oasis in the desert.  In the midst of a dry and barren land, En Gedi is an explosion of lush green life.  For miles around, the landscape is rugged and brown. The Dead Sea itself sits just a few miles from this oasis.  And yet here, surrounded by rocks and dried up earth, is a spring that flows down a ravine, refreshing this sliver of land and creating life in the most unexpected of places.  David used this as a hideout while being hunted by King Saul. It was a refuge from all his enemies and a beautiful reminder of God’s deliverance and provision.

What is your “En Gedi”?  Where do you find refuge when the world is harsh and cruel?  Perhaps it is in a spouse or a friend. Maybe you find God’s presence in a worship service or the promises He makes in His word.  It might be a walk in the woods or time on the beach. In the midst of this broken and hardscrabble world, God is still present. Expressions of His presence are there if we look for them.  Where is your En Gedi? Are you retreating there enough?

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Lessons from Israel: Masada

One of the most popular tourist attractions in Israel is the mountain top fortress of Masada.  Herod the Great turned this mountaintop into a secure stronghold and built two palaces for himself complete with indoor baths and an outdoor swimming pool.  It features sweeping views of the mountains of Moab, the Dead Sea, and the Judean hills. Herod built this fortress as a place of refuge in case of a revolt.  Here he would be safe from attack and able to hold out against any enemy. Years later, Masada became a last resort for a group of Jewish rebels. The Roman Army besieged Masada and built a ramp by which they gained access to the fortress.

Like Herod, we build Masadas in our lives.  We believe that our savings or IRA will be our fortress.  We look to our career as a source of security. Our skills become a stronghold against unemployment.  Good grades become a refuge for us. But just as surely as Masada was defeated, our wealth, skill, and intelligence cannot save us.  The only true refuge, the only unconquerable fortress is the Lord our God. We say with the psalmist “The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. (46:7)”

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Lessons from Israel: Arad

Arad is an ancient site in the desert of southern Israel.  It served as a military and trade outpost and was built on a high hill.  After the original city was destroyed by the Israelites, it was rebuilt and settled by the tribe of Judah.  One of the unique features of the city was a replica of the temple. Apparently the people of Arad used this as a place to worship God.  But archaeology reveals that the Lord isn’t the only one they worshipped. In the most holy place of their replica temple, archaeologists found a sacred stone - a large, flat rock that was a symbol of other gods like Baal and Asherah.  It’s a terrible irony that God’s people would worship other gods in a structure and space that was reserved only for him. 

Take a look into the most holy place of your heart.  What do you see there? That space is reserved for God alone.  But often we find other sacred stones there. Careers, hobbies, sports, even family.  There is certainly a place in your life for these things. Just not in the most holy place.  That space is reserved for God alone. If anything in your life is out of synch, a good first step is looking at what, besides God, is in that space.

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Lessons from Israel: Valley of Elah

The Valley of Elah is the site of one of the most famous battles in history.  Here took place a duel between a massive giant named Goliath and a barely-armed teenager named David.  What we often lose sight of is that this was more than a battle of two nations. It was more than a conflict between two armies.  It was a spiritual battle. Goliath was talking spiritual trash about the God of Israel. David, who had not been subject to weeks of intimidation by Goliath, understood this.  They weren’t just fighting over a piece of land. As David moves in to strike the fatal blow, he says, “For the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hand.”

There is always a spiritual component to the battles we fight in life.  As we struggle with sin or emotional wounds or other challenges, we are settling an age old question: Is our God stronger?  David knew that the Lord was indeed stronger than Goliath and the Philistine army. And so he let God fight the battle for him.  Whatever valley you find yourself fighting in, remember that the battle is the Lord’s. He is stronger than your sin, your pain, your brokenness.  You may not stand a chance against these enemies. But Jesus has conquered the ultimate enemy, death. The victory you seek has already been won in Jesus name.

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Lessons from Israel: Beth Shemesh

Beth Shemesh is an Israelite town about 15 miles west of Jerusalem.  We visited here on our first full day in Israel. I have to admit that prior to this trip I thought of Israel much like Tolkien’s middle earth: a magical, otherworldly place where unlikely things happened.  A place very different from our own. As we stood looking across a valley, our guide casually said, “See that mountainside across the valley? That’s where Samson lived.” He went on to mention that this valley was the one Samson lit on fire using an interesting combination of foxes and torches.

The mighty acts of God are not confined to a specific geography. In the Bible, God did powerful things in a land of rocks and dirt and trees and hills and valleys. He did his mighty acts among people - ordinary people who witnessed God doing extraordinary things. Beth Shemesh taught me that I can expect God to move in powerful ways in West Michigan among ordinary people like us. God’s power may be revealed in different ways and through different resources. But it is the same God and the same power. Keep your eyes peeled!

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