Light and Momentary

Light and Momentary

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. (2 Corinthians 4:17)

2020, we had such high hopes for you!  How you’ve disappointed us and let us down!  This year has not been an easy one.  We have lost a great deal due to this pandemic and the consequences of it.  Our nation has struggled with an impeachment trial, and now faces issues of race.  On top of all that, we still have a presidential election ahead of us this year.  You’ve struggled in your own personal life.  Isolation has led to depression.  We are preparing to say goodbye to loved ones in hospice.  Frustration has mounted for many people over restrictions.  For others there is fear over personal safety.  These are tough times.  But I also suspect that years from now we will talk about this year with nostalgia.  Having survived it, 2020 will hold a special, if not fond, place in our hearts.  We went through it.  We survived.  And maybe we’re even better off for it.

I suspect that the new creation will do the same thing to the pain we experience now.  Paul describes our struggles as “light and momentary.”  A few days of nasty weather on the way to a long, beautiful summer of sunshine and warm weather.  That’s not to discount the struggles you are facing.  It’s to remind you that an eternal glory that far outweighs them all awaits us in God’s presence.

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