The Lord Is in This Place

Last week Emma and I went backpacking on the Pictured Rocks Trail in the Upper Peninsula.  Without reading a single verse from the Bible or singing a hymn or worship chorus, I was profoundly in the presence of God.  The green and turquoise color of Lake Superior shouted God’s praise.  A Bald Eagle flew over and reminded us of the grace and power of God.  Grand Portal point, some 200 feet above the lake, spoke to God’s vastness.  Being with my daughter for all of this reminded me how deeply God loves us as his children.

I’m all for reading and meditating on God’s Word.  Singing God’s praises is a wonderful way to enter his presence.  But these are not the only ways to experience God.  God is constantly announcing his presence to us.  Paul tells us in Romans 1 that God has sufficiently revealed himself to us in creation.  Here’s an invitation to see how ubiquitous God is.  Whether you are standing in a church sanctuary, along Pictured Rock National Lakeshore, or even in your backyard, you can truly say this: the Lord is in this place.

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