Meditation and Remembering

This is the last week that we will be practicing the discipline of meditation. We’ve suggested some different ways that you can experiment with meditation, including reflecting on Scripture and other writings, and considering what we can turn over to God and receive from him. This week we’d like you to spend some time meditating on a memory from your life. You can think about an important event in your life or simply let God bring a memory to mind. Where was God in that event? Where was the grace? How was God faithful to his promises?

Seeing God’s presence in the events in your past can sharpen your vision to see God in the present. As with all forms of meditation, God will never reveal himself in a way that contradicts the Bible. It’s always a good idea to make God’s word the litmus test. We hope it’s been helpful to spend time meditating this month. There’s no reason it can’t continue to be a regular part of your spiritual journey!
