
We all have to make decisions every day. Sometimes they’re big decisions, and sometimes they’re as easy as which cereal to have for breakfast. Yesterday, Pastor Nate challenged us to think of a big decision that we have to make and ask for someone to pray for us as we discern God’s will in this decision. As we yield to the Lord and His timing, there are four questions I presented to the youth group yesterday that I want to challenge you with as well. When you’re thinking of this decision that you have to make, ask yourself:


1.     Am I willing to do whatever God wants in this area?

2.     Do I already know deep down what I should do?

3.     Could this be what God wants me to do?

4.     What else could I do to find out what God wants?


The first question is really a question of pride vs. trust. Do we trust that God has the best plan and way forward for us? The second question is us listening to the Holy Spirit inside of us. He will bring either peace or restlessness as we wait. The third is a little trickier, but as we look to the Word and reflect on God’s character, we’re able to understand God’s heart for us and for our paths forward. Finally, the fourth question is a reminder for us to ask others to join us in prayer over the decision. Richard Foster writes in his book on Spiritual Disciplines, “God will implant a spirit of unity when the right path has been chosen and trouble us with restlessness when we haven’t heard correctly.” As you lean into God this week for guidance, I encourage you to wait, yield, and listen for His good voice of love and guidance.
