Spiritual Discipline - Worship

Back in the 1980s, this thing started in churches called “The Worship Wars.”  It was a battle between church members who wanted a more modern, contemporary form of worship and church members who preferred (strongly) to stay with the hymns they grew up singing.  Lines were formed and the war began.  Many people left their congregation to join another that used worship music more in line with their desires.  It was messy.  It was painful.  And it completely missed the point.

Worship is so much more than a style of singing.  It is the orientation of a person’s life.  Worship can happen with hands raised or holding a hymnal.  But it can also happen while we drive, mow the lawn, join a Zoom call, or write up an estimate.  It can happen while we chase kids, walk the dog, or put away laundry.  Whenever we stop and become mindful that God is the Lord of the universe, that he is great and loving and sovereign, we are worshiping.  This month we are practicing the spiritual discipline of worship.  We want to encourage you to be intentional about doing this outside of a Sunday service.  Here’s a simple way to start: share with another person one way you saw the power or goodness of God in your day.  That will be an act of worship.
