Family Value: Celebration

As Kool and the Gang famously sang, “Celebrate good times, come on!”  Families celebrate important events in life.  Whether it is a birthday, an anniversary, a graduation, or a retirement, families come together to celebrate.  As a church family at FCC, we do too!  Our biggest celebrations are around things like professions of faith and baptisms.  But we celebrate weddings, graduations, and anniversaries too.  

When we celebrate as a church family, it’s more than just congratulating someone or recognizing an accomplishment.  If you read the Gospels, you’ll notice that Jesus went to a lot of parties and weddings and other celebrations.  Celebration is a way we become more like Jesus.  What’s more, when we celebrate we are actually announcing God’s kingdom.  Throughout the Bible, God’s kingdom is described as a banquet or a wedding feast.  When we celebrate we are practicing for the party in the new creation.
