Family Value: Better Together

There’s a saying of unknown origin that goes like this: “If you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together.”  Doing things as a group can be terribly inefficient.  We wait for people to follow through or catch up.  There are all kinds of reasons we have to slow down and wait.  The more people you take on a road trip, the more stops you’ll have to make for food or the restroom.  It’s just a whole lot simpler when I can do it on my own.

But it’s never as good when I do it alone.  It’s always better when we do it together.  When we do things together, I’ve got your back when you have a bad day.  You can cover for me when I’m struggling.  Doing things together has a much higher ceiling for enjoyment.  It’s not just your assistance or my extra pair of hands.  It’s your sense of humor and my experiences that add depth and richness to what we are doing.  Like all of our values, “together” has its roots in Scripture.  God created us for relationship and community.  We find our identity in a family.  That’s why whenever possible we do things together.  It’s just better that way!

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