Family Value: Alignment

No family is perfectly consistent.  The classic example is the family that fights like cats and dogs in the car on the way to church, but suddenly transforms into the perfect family upon exiting the car in the church parking lot.  If respect or togetherness are values in your family, they may not get practiced in every area of your family’s life.  The priorities and values we aspire to are rarely 100% integrated in a family’s life.

At FCC we understand perfection isn’t likely.  A vision and values that permeate everything we do is a very tall mountain to climb.  But we are committed to climbing it.  Specifically, we want all of our ministries to reflect the UP, IN, and OUT of our vision.  We want all of our programs to align with our vision: VBS, children’s ministries, student ministries, and other events.  We also hope that this pattern gets reflected in the lives of our church family too.  Your life and mine beginning to reflect and align with our vision of becoming like Jesus.  Like an automobile, when the body of Christ is in alignment with who we are supposed to be, there is less wear and tear, the ride is smoother, and we reach our destination more efficiently.