Kingdom Investment 2022

Earlier this year, we were able to pay off the debt on our church building.  This freed up $48,000 from our annual budget.  We are excited to reinvest this money back into God’s kingdom in 2022.  Yesterday we shared with you the plan for this kingdom investment that Council approved at the October meeting.  You can watch the 10 minute presentation below..  After establishing criteria and hearing your ideas, the Kingdom Investment team recommended two options for Council to consider.  Council chose to do both of them!

First, we will sponsor a refugee family that is being resettled in the tri-cities area.  We have a history with this and the need is urgent.  We anticipate this happening soon.  Second, we will partner with Habitat for Humanity on a home build in Grand Haven.  Affordable housing is a challenge in our area.  This will give a local family an opportunity to become homeowners.  This project will probably get started in late spring or early summer of next year.  Thanks for all the great ideas you submitted.  Please be praying about this as we get started.  Stay tuned for updates and more information!