GEMS and the Joy of Connecting

When the GEMS season kicked off last September, we weren’t sure how our GEMS ministry would help girls build relationships with one another, with counselors, and with Jesus this year. We just committed to connecting, not cancelling. Our season started with outdoor meetings and a GEMS & Grownups outdoor event. As Covid cases rose in November, we explored creative alternatives to continue our GEMS ministry. Counselors dropped off packages to GEMS with lesson materials, craft supplies and treats. In December and January, we mailed materials to GEMS and met over Zoom. Several weeks ago we prepared package pick ups for our GEMS & Gals night. Then, last Monday, we had our first in person GEMS gathering since early November. Our counselors and GEMS were thrilled to be together! 

Being unable to physically gather for several months made us cherish our opportunity to be together again. While we are thankful for all the alternative ways we found to share God’s love through GEMS in the midst of a pandemic, gathering in person at the appropriate time is a real joy. GEMS is a relational ministry and nothing beats being together. As a church family, we long for relationship, too.  As Covid cases continue to decline and more and more people are vaccinated, we can look forward to more opportunities to safely gather in person with our church family. What joy!

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