Every Longing

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

God has placed eternity in your heart; a deep longing for things that are beautiful and forever.  At the very core of our being we long for goodness, redemption, relationship, and beauty.  It’s why we are so taken by a painting, so struck by a beautiful view, so entranced by a song.  It’s why we get married and pursue friendships.  God has set a longing in your heart for the things only he can grant us.

Most of this world’s problems can be traced to our settling for cheap alternatives.  We settle for revenge instead of justice.  We settle for sex instead of love and intimacy.  We settle for something quick and easy instead of something that comes slowly but lasts forever.  So don’t confuse your longings for anything less than God intends.  And understand that when your longings are truly satisfied, God alone has brought that satisfaction.
