Celebration of Discipline

Last month we were encouraged to celebrate recreation, relationships, creation and our vocations. It was easy to see celebration as a discipline to be celebrated. It was evident in the smiles on our church family in the video of people enjoying recreation and hobbies. Now that it is almost time to get the boat out of storage, we are being asked to practice simplicity and question our stuff? Is that something to be celebrated

Richard Foster’s book is titled Celebration of Discipline. How do the disciplines of simplicity, fasting, meditation and others fit with celebration? The answer is joy!!! As we seek first the kingdom of God and pursue life with Jesus as our treasure, we experience God’s goodness. Joy is finding God’s goodness. As we practice spiritual disciplines as well as engage with VBS, GEMS, children’s ministries, youth ministry, and all of our other programs, we have the opportunity to find deeper joy in our relationship with Jesus. We find good news of great joy. It is all worth celebrating!

Richard Foster Celebration of Discipline.JPG